Albuquerque Chooses Not to Change Abortion Laws

“Albuquerque voter reject proposed ban on late-term abortion” published on November 20th 2013 on discusses the elections that took place in Albuquerque New Mexico Tuesday night. According to the article the town decided to reject the ban of late-term abortions. The vote was close being 45 for the new law and 55 against it. This law would have banned almost all abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The ever present issue of abortion comes into play once again. Like many other issues I have a hard time picking a side on this issue. One thing I can make a decision on is the idea of getting an abortion after a certain point of pregnancy, and in my eyes 20 weeks is more than enough time. I do not believe that abortion should be a form of contraception but I do see how females that are raped would see how that could help them. Abortion, especially at 20 weeks, 5 months, is more than enough time to make that decision and at this point the baby is devolving gender, brain function and even kicking. So in my opinion I would have enjoyed this ban being passed and it would have been beneficial.

2 thoughts on “Albuquerque Chooses Not to Change Abortion Laws

  1. I too have had a hard time picking a side on abortion, as often as it’s been brought up in the past few years in our country. One thing I feel fairly sure about is that late-term abortion is unnecessary. Five weeks seems more than enough time to make the decision because, as the blogger said, by then the baby is developing brain functions, etc. At the same time as a woman myself that would be utterly terrified to become pregnant, I can understand the indecision and stress that would come with this decision.

  2. Sometimes the fetus does not show signs of deformity or life debilitating physical issues. I had a friend who was very far along (4 months), and the doctor saw that the brain was on the outside of its skull. The baby would not be viable once born. My friend, a very religious person and her husband had to make a terrible decisions. This shows me that the decisions is ultimately up to the mother, the father, and the doctor. It is deeply private, and we can’t know all of the circumstances, though I am sure she was shouted down when she went to the clinic.

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